This translation is made to offer you the contents in your language. In case of any conflict between the German and the translated version dominates the German version.Information pursuant (de) §5 TMG
To protect my data you can get the full information only via e-mail.
The contents and works of the site owner in this project are protected by German copyright. Copying, adaption, distribution and any utilization out of the German copyright law require written agreement. Downloads and copies of this site are only allowed for private, non commercial usage.Third party copyrights are respected for content on the page not created by the operator. Third party content is identified accordingly. If you notice any copyright infringement, please send me a hint to
Support, contact
In case of questions, suggestions or hints, please write to you want to support the project financially or if you want to advertise via this project, please write to
Note of thanks
Thanks to Matle R. for the french translation!Thanks to all testers and supporters.
Thanks to everybody who is left out here.
Liability for links
PasteLink. may contain links to websites of third parties on which contents PasteLink. has no influence. Because of that, PasteLink. can't assume responsibility. The owners of linked pages are responsible for their contents.The linked pages were checked for violations of the law at the time of linking. At this time, there weren't any violations of the law recognizeable. Without concrete information, a permanent control of the contents on linked pages isn't reasonable. Upon notification of any breach of the law, these kinds of links will be removed immediately.
The creators are responsible for their links which are saved using the service of PasteLink.. A general review of the saved contents isn't excluded, PasteLink. isn't comitted to do this at any time.
Privacy Policy, Terms of Use
PasteLink. (too »me«, »I«, »manager« or »the service«) doesn't commit itself to protect your data in any case, because PasteLink. can't guarantee any safety.It should be noted, that the transfer of data via the Internet can have security gaps. A complete prevention of your data of access of any third parties is not possible.
In the following part there will be privacy measures and Terms of Use pointed out.
Use of Cookies
With the usage of the service you automatically accept the usage of cookies. These cookies won't be used to track you in the Internet.
To guarantee the functionality of PasteLink., you may have to accept the usage of cookies in your browser.
Claim invalidity
With the registration you accept, that you don't have any claim of compensation or any other claims, because every input and information are made on a voluntary basis and you have to decide on your own, as private person exactly as institution, which data you want to share with PasteLink..
Because of this, the necessary values are reduced to a minimum.
Note at every formular, which values are necessary and which values are marked as voluntary or optional. Keep in mind that any mistakes by PasteLink. marking this aren't excluded. (Please send hints concerning this topic to the support)
Security information
As a reason of the financial situation, PasteLink. can't offer you a SSL-encryption of your data. You can contact me via to support the project financially.
All data will be transfered not encrypted to a password-saved database and can be read by the manager of the service. This contains your name and family name (if given) and your mail-address. Your data won't be disclosed to any third parties by PasteLink.. In case of abuse, e.g. saving illegal contents, or by presentation of a court order this regulation can lapse. There is no duty of PasteLink. to inform you about the status of your data.
The password will be saved encrypted in the database, any abuse of your account through PasteLink. is excluded.
I hope, that you are satisifed with the information about the safety of your data.
If you have any questions concerning the data-security, please contact the support.